Ideal Law

Ever heard of PV = NRT?

Well, if you had, then, you know that it is called the ideal gas law, I think, well, I'm not sure actually. Well, it goes to say that Pressure times Volume is equal to N (something to do with the quantity of the gas), R (ideal gas constant), and T, which stands for temperature. Wow! Cool right? Cool!

Well, here is how I look at it. consider N = 1, and that 1 is YOU. yeah you! Now, the ideal gas law says the more pressure you have on you, the hotter you get, to compensate for the pressure. (it fucking means you get hot headed, your blood pressure goes through the roof and eventually you die). That is some scary shit. Or you get to be HOT! you know? as in, I wanna fuck you hot, you know? Hot, as in model ass hot, well, you get the point. I suggest you try to look at this temperature thing the positive way, whatever that may be for you.

Now, looking at the ideal gas shit again, the equation can also be P = (NRT)/V. What the fuck does this mean? Well, the more pressure you have on you, the lower your volume gets, and for human beings, volume basically translates to weight. Getting this shit? It fucking means, papayat ka! PAPAYAT! what the fuck! well, got to love the ideal gas law right? right!
FTW! Fuck the whaaat?! wahooo.

Oh, I forgot about the R. Well, fuck the R, it is just a constant anyway and constant is boring, very boring. Spicing up your life is way better, get some pressure in your life, that shit is some good ecstasy. You get to be hot (temperature rises!) plus you get to be thin (Volume goes down!)

I am not a genius or anything, and I am not really sure if I made any sense in explaining the ideal gas law but what the heck, at least I am not this guy,
(thank you YouTube and GMA and thank you drugs)

The 'F' Word

Fuck the shits that come your way.
Fuck the people who control your life.
Fuck the stress that makes you ugly.
Fuck the models that make you feel fat.
Fuck the fat people for occupying too much space.

Fuck the teachers who can't teach.
Fuck the students who never learn.
Fuck the papers you never wrote.
Fuck the grades you never deserved.

Fuck the pen that never writes.
Fuck the law of men.
Fuck the president who is corrupt.
Fuck that mole.

Fuck the money that makes you weak.
Fuck the greed and never take heed.

Fuck the principles that never stand.
Fuck the leaders who can't lead.
Fuck the followers who can't follow.

Fuck the dreams that never came true.
Fuck reality if it pisses you.
Fuck that eye that judges you.
Fuck that hand that pains you.
Fuck that mouth that scorns you.
And oh yeah, Fuck!